The science of bionics is advancing at a fast rate. The fusing
together of human and machine is not yet allowing us to run at 60 miles
per hour or crush a rock with our bare hands. However, it is enabling
the deaf to once again hear, the blind to regain at least partial sight
and paraplegics to regain their mobility.
Research taking place in the USA has allowed bionic brain implants to
be connected to the motor cortex (the part of the brain controlling movement),
allowing a person to move a cursor on a computer purely through thought
The implications of such technologies are not always welcome by some
in society. There are those among us who worry technology could be
going too far into the realms of science fiction and taking a gamble with
the lives of human beings, this is especially emotive where the human brain
is concerned. However, the benefits that bionics can bring to a disabled
person surely must outweigh any drawbacks.
(BBC News Portal, 1998), BBC News Portal, Bionic Arm, 25 August,
1998 [online] Available from
[accessed 07Jun06]
(Bruce, 1998) Bruce, I.S. (1998) Man Made, The Scotsman, December 1,
Spectrum, cited in T209 Information and Communication Technologies: people
and interactions, CD-ROM study guide, Module 4, ‘Bionics’, The Open University,
Milton Keynes.
(Caidin, 1970) Caidin, Martin. Cyborg. New York, NY: Warner Books, 1970
(Jacobs, 1998) Jacobs, K. (1998) ‘Interactive: The Bionic Man Is Lurking
Round The Corner’, Birmingham Post, November 17, cited in T209 Information
and Communication Technologies: people and interactions, CD-ROM study guide,
Module 4, ‘Bionics’, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
(Steele, 1960) Steele, J. E. (1960) "How Do We Get There?", Bionics Symposium:
Living Prototypes--The Key to New Technology, September 13-15, 1960, WADD
Technical Report 60-600. Reference made to Steele’s work available
from [online]
[accessed 07Jun06]
A Toast to the Bionic Man, [online] Available from
[accessed 07Jun06]
BBC News Portal, [online] Available from
[accessed 07Jun06]
Bionics, Wikipedia, [online] Available from
[accessed 08Jun06]
Bruce, I.S. (1998) Man Made, The Scotsman, December 1, Spectrum,
Caidin, Martin. Cyborg. New York, NY: Warner Books, 1970
HiResolution Bionic Ear System, [online] Available from
[accessed 08Jun06]
Jacobs, K. (1998) ‘Interactive: The Bionic Man Is Lurking Round The Corner’,
Birmingham Post, November 17
Steele, J. E. (1960) "How Do We Get There?", Bionics Symposium: Living
Prototypes--The Key to New Technology, September 13-15, 1960, WADD Technical
Report 60-600.
[918 words]
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